Suspended Onsite Activities at VHBC
Our VHBC CoVID-19 Response Team continues to meet virtually to review the ministries and operations of our church related to the current circumstances.
All onsite activities remain suspended. Activities will resume following guidelines from healthcare and government officials.
Sunday worship and Wednesday Sessions are being streamed online through at their regular times.
The church building is closed. VHBC Staff members are operating remotely. You can still contact our office through the main phone number or by email.
VHBC's missions and ministries continue in powerful and meaningful ways.
Our children, students, and adults are connecting online or by phone.
Members are giving generously, online and by mail, in support of our ministries.
The Pastoral Staff is responding to member and community needs.
We are releasing funds to Mission Partners responding to the CoVID-19 outbreak.
Contact the church office for help accessing online resources or for assistance using online giving tools.
This current reality is not what we would have chosen for ourselves or our church. That choice was not ours to make. In these days, let us make the choice that is ours by acting, as followers of Jesus, with courage, faith, and love. In this way, we, the people of VHBC, will be the church that is needed in this very circumstance. Keep praying for one another and for the people in our community and around the world who are hurting.
As we navigate this time, the words from the hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory” written by the famous American Pastor, Harry Emerson Fosdick, may also be an encouragement to us.
God of grace and God of glory,
on your people pour your power;
crown your ancient church's story,
bring its bud to glorious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage
for the facing of this hour,
for the facing of this hour.