Bundles of Hope Service Project coming in March!

Bundles of Hope Service Project
Saturday, March 7, 8:30-12:30
Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank

Meet at the church at 8:30 am. We will leave from the church at 8:30 to travel downtown to Christian Service Mission (3600 3rd Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222) where we will work for two hours and then head to lunch at the Vestavia Chick-fil-A. Pick up from Chick-fil-A at 12:30 pm.

Each person must register at: https://www.givepulse.com/event/102021-Bundling-Diapers-~-Sharing-HOPE Click on the green Register button.

Learn about Bundles of Hope - http://www.bundlesdiaperbank.org/

What kind of work will we do: Sorting and packaging diapers!

Wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing based on the weather; the warehouse is cold during the winter and warm during the summer.

Please send Nancy an email (nancy@vhbc.com) if you plan to participate.


Promotion of Safety and Well-Being during Coronavirus Outbreak


Lent starts February 26th - Click to see full schedule