Seed Camp at HOME

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Unfortunately, Seed Camp cannot happen as it usually does, but Seed Camp AT HOME is happening in July! We are putting together 100 bags for 1st-5th graders in Marion, like the VBS bags we did for our children. All of the activities will include written instructions. Let’s work together to give the children of Marion the best Seed Camp!

We need your help!

1) Cards- Make a handwritten card to go in each participant’s bag. Include a little something about yourself and your family! Sign the card with first names and send them to the church or drop them in the cooler outside the children’s building at the church. 

2)Financial Contributions- We have invited our VHBC volunteers who have staffed Seed Camp in the past to contribute their typical registration costs ($60) to support Seed Camp AT HOME. You can join them by giving online or by check to “Seed Camp”. Any amount is welcome. 

3) Prayer- Pray for the families and children that will receive these bags. Pray that Seed Camp At Home will touch their lives in an impactful, meaningful way. 

Reach out to with any questions! 


Congrats on 40 years at VHBC, Henry!


Summer Discussion Groups at VHBC