
Join us on Sundays:
Bible studies for all at 8:45 am
Worship at 10 am


The sacred season of Lent begins with the observance of Ash Wednesday. The forty days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter allow us time to reflect and prepare for a glorious resurrection celebration. Ashes in the shape of a cross mark worshipers and remind us our own mortality and symbolize our penitence.

What to expect at VHBC this Lenten Season:

April 2nd & 9th - Lenten Bible Study in the Seminar Room

April 11th & 12th - Lenten Retreat at VHBC (Pre-Register Here)

Holy Week
Maundy Thursday, April 17th - Dinner at 4:45 and Service at 6 pm
Good Frida,y April 18th - Lunch at 11 am and Service at 12 pm
Easter Egg Hunt April 19th - 10 am on the Front Lawn
Easter Sunday, April 20th - Bible study at 8:45 and Worship at 10 am

Fellowship Dinner is on Wednesday Nights at VHBC! Reserve your plate before you head over!

For any other night of the week, order a Take & Bake from our kitchen to cook at home!

Upcoming Events at VHBC