Child Development

March News

***Dr. Seuss Week is March 3rd - 7th***
Monday: wear red or blue
Tuesday: Wear your favorite hat or stripes
Wednesday: Wear silly socks or wacky clothes
Thursday: Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss character or wear your favorite color
Friday: Pajama day!

Mar 9th: Daylight Savings Time begins
March 17th:
Green Day - wear green!

    Program Features:

  • Developmentally appropriate learning for the whole child: social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual.

  • Developmentally appropriate room design for Infant through Pre-K Four classes

  • Low Teacher/Child Ratios

  • Sensitive, loving, well-trained teachers and support staff

  • Learning center based class structure

  • Excellent, separate playgrounds for preschool children and toddlers

  • Security System providing coded entry only to facility

  • Safety drills

  • Morning and afternoon snack provided

  • Hot lunch provided

  • Daily outdoor play time

  • WEE LEARN - A Christian-based curriculum

  • "Handwriting Without Tears" - Writing Curriculum for

  • Music Class

  • Weekly Chapel Time

  • Field trips for Four-Year-Olds

  • Community helper visits

  • Optional extra-curricular classes: Dance, Chess, Soccer

  • Special Events include Open House/Pizza Party,Book Fair, Family Christmas Event, Pancakes and PJ’s, Penguin Day, Community Helper Day, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, July 4th Parade, seasonal theme parties

  • Daily notes to parents from teachers

  • Monthly Newsletters


2025-2026 Tuition Rates
Infant I - II:     $1085.00
Toddler I - II:     $1030.00
Preschool 2, 3, & 4: $960.00

Other Fees
Registration Fee: $175
Annual Re-enrollment Fee: $100
Waiting List Application Fee: $40


2600 Vestavia Drive
Birmingham, AL 35216
Enter the church property off Vestavia Drive and bear right at the fork in the parking lot. We are a locked facility. Knock at the door and someone will help you.

To inquire about a place for your child or to request a tour of the center, please contact Tye Hill, CDC Director at (205) 979-3599.


The Vestavia Hills Baptist Church Child Development Center was established in 1978 as an extension of the church's ministry to its members and community at large. The Vestavia Hills Baptist Church Child Development Center provides for each child quality care within a Christian environment. Each child is valued and therefore participates daily in a setting which enables and equips each child to grow and learn. We acknowledge that every child is part of a family to whom we desire to give support.

CDC photo.jpg


Vestavia Hills Baptist Church was founded in May of 1957. The CDC was established in 1978.

The CDC provides a ministry for children and families in the church
as well as the community.

How to Enroll

The Vestavia Hills Baptist Church Child Development Center will be open to children ages eight weeks through four years of age, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. Our Center is not equipped to handle children with excessive emotional, visual, speech, hearing, or other severe limitations and illnesses. Children currently enrolled with the Center must re-enroll for the upcoming school year during the first two weeks of March.

Initial Registration Fee: $175
Annual Re-enrollment Fee: $100

Waiting List Process

Applications to be placed on the waiting list for enrollment are received throughout the year. Children are admitted to the Center according to the number of spaces available for each age group. To inquire about a place for your child, please contact our CDC Director, Tye Hill at (205)979-3599.
Parent tours are conducted by appointment only.

Waiting List Application Fee: $40


Hours of operation: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Our Center operates year-round.
