Childhood is a wonderful time of learning and growth, but it is also a time of challenges, fears, and disappointments.
In a world that changes daily, children need secure places where they feel a keen sense of belonging.
A sense of belonging is the major issue of the elementary school child.
At VHBC, we want to be:
A place where children can feel they belong, where relationships are formed and nurtured, and where adults model the Christian faith.
We do these things to help build a strong foundation of knowledge
and faith in the lives of children.
Bible Study, Sundays at 8:45 am
During Sunday School, Children are involved in activities and experiences that lead them to a deeper knowledge and understanding of God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, and the world around them.
These include teacher interaction, Hands-on activities, Bible skill activities, Games, Art, Drama, Discussion, Role-play, Music, Bible research, Stories, and storytelling.
Children's Choirs, Wednesday Nights, 5:30 pm
Music activities for kindergarten through sixth-grade help nurture children's spiritual growth. Music allows children to develop their knowledge and experience and participate in worship leadership.
GA and RAs, Wednesday Nights, 6:15 pm
GA and RAs (Girls in Action: Girls Grades 1-6; Royal Ambassadors: Boys Grades 1-6) are the missions education organizations for grade-school children in which girls and boys learn about missions and people who serve as missionaries. Children learn to pray for missionaries and to save and give their money sacrificially to help missions work around the world. They learn about other cultures and people around the world. Children learn the importance of prayer as it relates to missionaries and their work.
GA and RAs learn to share God's love with others and are a part of God's plan for others to know about Him. GA and RAs give children opportunities to try out emerging leadership abilities and to understand Jesus' command "Go into all the world."