For further information about Music Ministry ensembles, please contact Marty Watts at marty@vhbc.com or (205) 979-5920.
Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir provides musical leadership for the worship services of VHBC, and is open to adults who have an interest and prior experience in choral singing. Their repertoire includes music from all the major historical style periods, spirituals, hymn arrangements, and multi-cultural pieces. They also present major choral and orchestral works periodically. The Sanctuary Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening from 7:00 until 8:30.
Visit our home page or Calendar for times and dates of special music and worship presentations.
VHBC Orchestra
The VHBC Orchestra is made up of instrumentalists from our church and community and shares in Sunday morning worship throughout the year. They present arrangements of hymns, accompany congregational singing, and collaborate with the Sanctuary Choir for special programs. This ensemble is open to players of orchestral instruments high school age and up. The VHBC Orchestra rehearses on designated Sundays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Handbell Choir
The VHBC Handbell Choir presents excellent handbell music during several services throughout the year, and at many special occasions, such as Christmas Eve. Interested ringers with prior music-reading experience are welcome as openings occur in the choir.
Children's Choirs
All children from age 3 through grade 6 are given an opportunity to learn about music, singing, and expressing their worship in weekly Children's Choir rehearsals. Highly trained leaders nurture the musical gifts of the children at VHBC, and each choir presents the music they are learning periodically during morning services, and at special services during the school year.