Search Committee Listening Sessions Announced
The Minister of Music and Worship Search Committee has been meeting regularly and is ready to hear from you! The following listening sessions are scheduled. You are invited to attend any of these sessions. Each session will follow the same format, so there is no need to attend multiple sessions. Please note: These sessions will be recorded for the purpose of transcription for the committee. All recordings will be deleted once committee notes are completed from the sessions. Following the listening sessions, an online link will be published to allow further comments or to gather comments from anyone not able to attend a listening session.
Sunday, November 5
5:00 PM Youth Listening Session – Room 130-D (Student Building)
6:00 PM Listening Session for Parents and Volunteers of Children/Youth – Fellowship Hall (childcare provided)
Sunday, November 12
9:00 AM Church-wide Listening Session - Sanctuary
Wednesday, November 15
6:00 PM Church-wide Listening Session – Fellowship Hall
6:15 PM Listening Session for Choir Members and Church Musicians – Choir Room
Sunday, November 19
9:00 AM Church-wide Listening Session – Adult Seminar Room
We have started posting the position announcement and will continue to post to sites over the next couple of weeks. As the committee conducts the listening sessions, resumes and recommendations may continue to be sent to
The committee covets your prayers as they continue in their work over the next couple of months.