Houston flood relief


As the rain falls on Birmingham, we continue to pray for the people of Houston. Relief efforts are underway and will be for months to come. Our Missions Committee has identified two trustworthy organizations to which we will be sending support. These organizations are in place and are currently addressing the needs of flood victims. The Houston Food Bank has a history of providing disaster relief. The loss of food supplies has put many families in crisis. The Food Bank is a part of a network of partner agencies that can ensure food is getting to those who need it most. The Texas Diaper Bank will be meeting a critical need that might not leap to the attention of many. Countless families will be without the supplies needed to care for their infants. With shelters not typically stocking diapers, the resources of the Texas Diaper Bank are just what families need.

You can donate money, payable to VHBC, through the church financial office or in the Disaster Relief Fund collection box in the church’s foyer. You may designate to either organization or make a general contribution. All undesignated contributions will be directed to the Houston Food Bank.

In the coming days, additional needs and opportunities to respond will come to light. VHBC has existing relationships and church partners in the Houston area and, as the waters recede, we expect to be a part of their work for recovery.


Shillong Letter Exchange is underway


Property closing hours established