Upcoming Events in February at VHBC
Mark your calendar for all we have planned in February at VHBC!
Wednesday, February 1st:
Contemplative Prayer continues in the Chapel
New book study with John Chandler on Rob Bell’s Love Wins in the Wild Goose Class.. Sign up HERE!
Baptist Women in Ministry Voices begins with Dixie Ford, Associate Coordinator of Alabama CBF
Sunday, February 5th:
As part of our Fellowship Anew theme for Epiphany, we are bringing back name tags for the month of February. Please take time to complete your name tag when you come to worship and make an effort to learn the name of someone new to you.
A new Sunday School & Worship Care class is beginning for our children! Instead of two classes for our younger children, Ms. Nancy has had to increase to three!
Babies & Creepers, Walking Ones - Younger Threes, & Older Threes -Kindergarten
Tuesday, February 7th:
Our Senior Adults are hosting a special Game Day in the Fellowship Hall from 10 am until 2 pm. Bring your lunch and get ready to play and fellowship! Sign up to let us know you’ll be there!
Wednesday, February 8th:
Contemplative Prayer continues in the Chapel
New book study continues with John Chandler on Rob Bell’s Love Wins in the Wild Goose Class..
Baptist Women in Ministry Voices begins with Valerie Burton, Associate Pastor of Baptist Church of the Covenant
Sunday, February 12th:
In January we heard from our Baptist friends from Ukraine. In February, Paul Baxley will come lead us in worship as well as speak during the Bible study hour (9 am in the Fellowship Hall) about his work and leadership of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Come and hear about CBF’s local and global work to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Wednesday, February 15th:
Contemplative Prayer continues in the Chapel
New book study continues with John Chandler on Rob Bell’s Love Wins in the Wild Goose Class..
Baptist Women in Ministry Voices begins with Megan Doud, CBF GA Coordinator of Young Baptists