How to Join
this Church


Any person may join this congregation on the basis of their affirmation of Jesus Christ as Lord. The hymn of response is a time in the worship service for reflection, meditation, and response to God in your heart, whether outwardly or inwardly to what you have experienced. If you wish to join this congregation, simply walk forward during the hymn and speak to one of the ministers about your decision.

An individual may come on profession of faith, which means you believe in Christ as Lord and Savior and wish to be baptized and become part of this church. One may also come on transfer of letter from another church or by statement of your faith in Christ and Christian baptism in another church.

The ministers will counsel further with you about this when you come. It is also possible, by request, to be presented to the congregation on Wednesday nights at prayer meeting in the same way.

Simply notify one of the staff or the church office of your interest, and you will be contacted. You can do this by a phone call, e-mail, or by filling out a card that is in the pew rack each Sunday.